I was on Spring and 6th Avenue when I watched the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center. We had no idea what it meant at the time. All I can say is it felt important to try to do something good for some of the people most affected by the events on that day. These tv spots and posters were created to encourage people to support downtown businesses. And yes, that’s Robert DeNiro as the voiceover, who was also generous enough to donate his time. You have no idea how nervous I was asking him to do a second take. Which he nailed, by the way.
We cast the real owners and employees of the small businesses we featured encourage people to spend money downtown--on products and services they may or may not need. Because...
"You might not need it, but downtown does."
We put these tongue-in-cheek posters all over uptown NYC to encourage people to go spend money south of 14th street.